Frugal While Young


Thank you for visiting The Frugal While Young site! Whether you’re a broke college student or a busy young professional, this site has tons of cash saving and money making tips to lighten the financial burden.

Frugality isn’t about sacrificing everything for a few pennies. It’s about identifying what you really value and cutting out what you don’t value.

Money can be especially tight as a student and as a recent grad. Student loan debt, entry-level salaries, and tons of new obligations. On top of that, many young adults have never learned how to budget or save money.

On here, you’ll not only find various ways to make and save money, but you’ll also get to see my perspective on many different financial topics and how they relate to being a young adult.

On the Frugal Student Living Blog, you’ll be able to learn all about

  • Being frugal without being cheap
  • Money saving apps that allow you to trim spending without excessive sacrifice
  • Easy ways to make some money here and there, that will give your bank account a boost
  • Skills that will serve you for college and beyond, like budgeting
  • Tips on optimizing your mindset for frugality and efficiency

It will be a grind at first, but it soon becomes fun looking for ways to save money as a young adultĀ without sacrificing your lifestyle.

About Me

I am a recent graduate from a public university in the United States. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Accounting. Once I finished freshman year, my bank account had dwindled significantly from all of my late pizza nights and frivolous purchases. My parents provided me $400 for textbooks a semester and $100 a month, so I did have some help, but it wasn’t enough.

I had to get smart real quick.

First I found a campus job in the dining hall, but that still wasn’t enough. I began teaching myself to grocery shop efficiently and inexpensively. No meal plan meant my food budget was much more flexible and I spent much less.

I also taught myself how to cook basic meals to stay healthy for cheap, and I stopped going out to eat almost completely.

When it was time to buy textbooks, I didn’t use the overpriced campus bookstore. I found alternate ways to buy all my books without spending a small fortune.

Slowly but surely, my bank account balance started increasing.

It was a lot of trial and error as I discovered what did and didn’t work with my lifestyle. Now I want to share my experience and knowledge of frugality with others, because I know how stressful money can be. As I journey out into the world, I want to share my experiences with being frugal and making smart financial decisions.

My hobbies include fitness, reading, writing, and tasting fine gins.

Any questions about making the most of your money while young? Shoot me an email and I’ll share what I know with you!