Frugal While Young

6 Ways a Healthy Lifestyle Saves Thousands of Dollars

Staying healthy through exercise

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Here’s how a healthy lifestyle can save you extraordinary amounts of money.

A healthy lifestyle is a sure path to a happy life.

In addition to the physical benefits that healthy living bestows upon you, there are numerous financial benefits.

Simply make some lifestyle changes, and you’ll notice all of these benefits and more!


1. WAY Less Health Care Costs

Medical care is one of the most critical services a person can spend money on.

Health care costs are on the rise, making care much more expensive to seek out.

See where I’m going with this?

You could be losing out on over $35,000 if you’re obese!

Incorporating a consistent exercise regimen and a proper diet into your life can reduce your dependence on medical care and lean out your body, strengthening your immune system minimizing your risk of developing various diseases.

I’m not saying that living healthy will make you invincible.

It is very possible to break bones and tear ligaments in daily life.

However, by living a healthy lifestyle, the money you spend on care can be set aside for those one-off injuries, rather than for something like cancer treatment.

While on the topic of injury, most injuries are ENTIRELY avoidable if you educate yourself and exercise correctly. Certain types of exercise, specifically proper resistance training, will also make you less prone to injuries.

Minimizing your need for medical care will save you a fortune.


2. Eating Healthy is LESS Expensive

I’m sure you’ve heard complaints about how a McDonald’s salad is more expensive than a big mac.

First of all, why are you going to McDonald’s to get a salad when you could buy everything from a grocery store? But I digress.

Cutting down on junk food lets you redirect your money towards healthy food. And while that healthy food may seem more expensive at first, you quickly realize it’s VERY hard to overeat unprocessed meat and fibrous vegetables.

Compare that to junk food.

Have you ever killed an entire family sized bag of potato chips in one sitting? I know I’ve done it before.

Even though those chips don’t seem that expensive, you can rack up the spending because you’ll be constantly craving more chips.

A vicious cycle begins.

On the drink side of things, water is infinitely more inexpensive than anything else because it’s FREE! Well, if you drink from the tap, of course.

Back to my earlier point, cutting down on restaurants loosens up your budget since the food is marked up more. Buying bulk amounts of food at grocery stores is a much cheaper option that eating at a restaurant, for quite obvious reasons.

Oh, also, if you prepare your meals ahead of time, you can save time AND money because you won’t have to cook every meal or drive to a restaurant.


3. Higher Productivity, Meaning More Money


I had an accounting internship in college. During the holiday season, the office had a potluck where everybody (except the intern who OBVIOUSLY can’t cook) had to bring a dish to serve 6 people. There were some healthy options, but I noticed one thing:


Cookies of all kinds, brownies, chocolate cake, apple pie, and even this delicious strawberry pudding stuff. I got my fair share of every single treat.

That strawberry pudding was so good, I went back for seconds, thirds, and ashamedly fourths. I probably ate 75% of the entire bowl.

How do you think I felt an hour after I finished stuffing myself with sugar?

I experienced a sugar crash from hell. I fought to stay awake at my desk for the last 3 hours of my work day, unable to accomplish the most basic of tasks.

My point is that unhealthy foods literally lower your energy levels, lowering your productivity. Try switching out those sweets for clean, whole foods and experience the natural high that is clean eating. You’ll be able to accomplish so much more at work (more pay and less likely to be fired), on side hustles (more pay, better ideas), and in your personal life.


Exercise is the other side of this equation. A proper exercise regimen will help boost your energy immensely.

Have you ever seen a fit individual who seems to be low-energy and unmotivated? It’s quite uncommon.

Getting you cardio and weights in on a consistent basis will enhance your cognitive function and your ability to perform physical tasks, which will lead to the same benefits that I described above in the diet part of this benefit.


4. Spend Less on Clothes

Ever struggled with a diet, lost a few pounds, then gained them right back weeks later? Not only is that demoralizing, but it hurts your wallet too in the form of increased spending on clothes.

You should really try to make a lifestyle change (not just a diet change) so that you can maintain a healthy body at a consistent weight.

Succeeding at this means you won’t have to buy new clothes every month when you get out of shape.

Once you are down to your goal physique, you can sell your old clothes for a couple bucks; you can also donate them if you feel so kind to.

Maintain a lean physique, upgrade your wardrobe, then cut down your spending on clothes!


5. Vice Elimination

Have you ever stopped and considered how much money you spend on cigarettes and/or alcohol on a yearly basis?

You could be throwing away thousands per year by consuming these products.

Not to mention the awful health consequences of regularly drinking or smoking. You’ll end up paying dearly in both money and health.

By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you’ll end up cutting out these expensive (and harmful) vices (or at least minimize them).

Now I know kicking a smoking habit or going sober can be tough; I just want you to know that you can accomplish your goals through dedication and discipline.

It’s well worth the effort.


5. Life Insurance Savings

Life insurance companies are very strict when it comes to your height and weight. The need to know how likely it is that you’ll die based on different factors.

It may sound morbid, but that’s just the nature of the business.

Exercise, proper diet, and eliminating bad habits all can contribute to your health and longevity. This will save you large amounts on life insurance because your likelihood of death is reduced.


6. Transportation

Want to know a simple trick that will save you money and keep you healthy that you use immediately?

Walk or bike to work.

Serious savings can be had if you ditch your morning car commute and walk or bike.

I personally recommend walking. Biking makes me sweat a bit (not trying to arrive to my professional work environment in sweaty clothes) and it’s cheaper to walk since you don’t need to buy a bike. The only time I’d recommend biking is if your walk would be significant (think 30+ minutes). You have to do a cost/benefit analysis yourself to determine if you want to walk or bike.

Think about all the gas money you would save and the wear and tear you would prevent if you walked or biked to work.

Not to mention the fresh air and the sights you see that you’d miss if driving.

If you’re up for it, you can even get rid of your car completely to gain some cash and end your insurance payments. It is completely possible to do go without a vehicle and still live comfortably in large cities (Chicago, New York, etc.).


Good Health Brings Good Wealth

If you needed a reason to get in shape before reading this article, I hope you’re motivated now to smash your fitness goals.

Go out there and get after it!


“The first wealth is health.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson